Thursday, June 7, 2012

    Sorry for no update last week. I realized I forgot this after P-day. I've got two new companions in my district. Elder Graf and Elder cook. I don't know much about Graf, as he seems to like computers, but hates video games and loves partying. I think. Elder cook is one of those really confident, in an awkward way, types. He did play league, but ran Fizz mid and did a good deal of Dominion and TT.

    As for my teachers, my companions are liking Alkmin even more. Cant remember if i mentioned this last time, But our teachers have made some fake investigators for us to teach. We have William baptized, But Lydia is odd. I think she should be baptized, but Menezas has had issues with sugar and her stroke. I think she is O.K. though.

     Other then that not much. We are still learning Portuguese in a weird way. We still have some classes that hang out the rest of the day. I hope you guys comment on this, or email me, at We don't get Google or much of anything over here. It is still, fun at times though.

  P.S. My district is pretending to be Velociraptors. I think we might go insane here.

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