Thursday, May 31, 2012

Same thing each day.  Only 2 more weeks till I’m out in the field.  That is going to be interesting.  Our fake investigator dropped us, and one sub we had was a legit midget.  Oh, we did get three new Elders in our district.  Elder Hansen has been really quiet.  He seems like a great guy, but as I said, I haven’t really had the time to get to know him.  Elder Collett is a great guy, but a tad weird.  He likes working with computers, writing poetry, and karate.  He is also huge, not fat though.  He is really tall and big.  He is really enthusiastic about everything.  Elder Lewis stole Elder Boss as my companion.  He is also from Spanish Fork, Utah, the same place as Elder Mackey.  He enjoys, Elder Lewis, that is, telling stories.  He is a good guy.
Anyways, if any of you have questions e-mail me at  I don’t get to check e-mail often in the CTM, but I’ll respond when I can.  No idea about the field though.

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