Monday, June 11, 2012

Just one more week then I’m free! ish.  It has been an interesting week though.  The beginning was typical, but fun.  The last 2-3 days have had all the action-ish though.  On Saturday we had the Manaus Temple celebration.  I had a terrible headache during it, but it was still fun.  There was a lot of dancing and music which was entertaining.
On Sunday we had the dedication that was mainly in Portuguese though.  One of the best parts though was waking up from a short nap 5 minutes before they closed the doors and trying to get there on time.  Yea for getting dressed in a suit and tie in 3 minutes.  That was exciting.  Other than that we had a district meeting about the Holy Ghost.  We got some great discussion going, and it was awesome.
Other than that I got to go proselytizing on Monday.  I managed to hand out two Books of Mormon.  Starting to talk to someone in a foreign language is terrifying, but I have to get used to it eventually.  I got rejected 2-3 times though, but it wasn’t that bad.  I’m eager to finally leave the CTM [it is the MTC in English].  Only one week left.  Oh, on Saturday I was also in TRC teaching some natives.  I actually understood a lot of what they said.  I think I’m about ready.


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