Saturday, June 30, 2012

I seem to get a lot less time to write now.  This was a mixed week.  At the beginning all of our appointments dropped, so it was slow.  The next few days, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, were a tad packed.  We had a district meeting so I got to meet a bunch of other missionaries in the mission.
We went to José Suares’s house.  His wife prayed about the Church and the Book of Mormon, to know if they are true.  That night she dreamt that her friend was inviting her to church.  That is a pretty awesome answer, isn’t it?  Unfortunately, she still will not go to church.  Que, horror.  Good news is that Cicero is still strong.  He accepted tithing easily and readily.  We just need help to take care of his grandma.
Friday we had a big church party that was fun with music, dancing and food.  I didn’t go dancing, but I got to play musical chairs.  The food was also amazing.  We helped make the food, and organized a game or two.  Saturday was more of a typical day, but nothing dropped or fell through, so it was a good day.  Sunday was a bunch of walking.  Before church we invited some kids to go, so we had to go pick them up.  Then after church we showed the Primary Presidency the homes of all the new kids, so that took 4 hours or so.  I had fun, but I was feeling a tad dead after that, but we still had weekly planning.  All in all, it’s pretty good out here.  It is really hilly, and I still don’t know Portuguese, but I like it.

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