Tuesday, May 22, 2012


The other weeks have been somewhat fun and exciting, but this week has had the most extremes. On Saturday and Sunday we fasted. that means i didn't eat anything for dinner on Saturday and no breakfast on Sunday. We had our share of boring meetings, and watched some boring spiritual movies Two really exciting things happened. First, our class got into a huge argument with Irmaos Alkmim, our first teacher. I think the language. The second is that Irmas Menezas (Our other teacher) had a stroke the next day. We saw her at lunch on this Monday, but we had substitutes since Wednesday. I know Brazil can be dangerous but i didn't think anything would happen this quickly, Irmas Menezas is doing well, I think. Other then that it has been a typical week. We learned a little Portuguese, a little on how to teach, then we teach. Oh, i can't remember if i mentioned this last time but our district/class got a new Elder. He is kinda nice, and a bit more of a ladies man. Which is ironic, because he looks like a stereotypical nerd when he puts on his glasses. Best part is his name is Elder Boss. The rest of my district is pretty cool and nice. Some are a little odd, and I don't know if we would be friends outside of the mission, but, we have some fun times. Still strange to think I've been our here for three weeks.

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