Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day #2

It is kinda fun down here. It is a tad slow but it is just our first day. The food so far is good. It has been cloudy buy warm and humid. Indoors is air conditioned. I don't understand any Portugese so far, but I'm picking up words here and there. i'm going to be in the MTC for a while, 6-9 weeks. Mail letters to:

Elder Vincent Earl Malmrose
Box #21 District #16-C Brazil MTC
Maceio Mission
Rua Padre Antonio D'Angelo, 121
Casa Verde, Sao Paulo, SP
Brazil 02516-040

Do not mail packages. Just letters.

My companio, Elder Deal, is from Sacramento. Hi is pretty nice. A bit of a sports guy but seems solid in the gospel. He went to BYU-Idaho and has a girl waiting on him too. I hope it works out for them. I unpacked my things and think you may have packed a couple too many treats, but thanks.

The letters and talks are awesome too. I think I found all of them, but it would be nice to find more. They have a no camera except for P-Day, so I probably will not be taking many pictures. Apparently they got 53 new missionaries and Sisters today, the most in a long time. The silly thing about the sisters is that they each remind me of Anna somehow. either frizzy hair, nerdy look, or being a tad loud. I miss you all and her. Oh for letters I'm expecting to hear all about you guys, not just missionary stuff. I'm allowed to mail you and email you on P-Day. Letters take about a week to get here.

I ran into 5 mormons on the plane to Atlanda as weel as one of them being an RM from England. Well, we are about to go workout.

1 comment:

  1. Too many treats? Eep. I know. Once I put them all in your suitcase I realized it was serious overkill. But I didn't want to choose which ones you might like more. As an adult you like so many different types of food. (Which I find highly ironic considering your extremely limited tastes as a little kid.)

    Love you!

