Monday, April 23, 2012

Bem dia familia!

Eu Esta Feliz e eu aprendizagem. We have banded together as a group at companheiros, aka district, to learn Portuguese. The teachers are OK. The first was a half hour late the first day, but she was nice. The second speaks decent English and teaches better. My companherio is cool, he is from Sacramento. My district also has a weight lifting Australian, a red-neckish person from Arizona, a tall South Carolinian, and an Asian person. We are all getting along well . We have watched the movie Legacy and that was good. Elder Smith has 16 cars in his family. Elder Mackey broke 2 dead weight worldrecord weightlifting records. We have watched some movie/TV show called The District. Our Assistant President is cool. Oh a big thing happened. Elder Mills talked yesterday. He is in charge in all of the national MTC's. It was a great talk. Oh, also Elder Cookie or something. He is one of the 12 Apostles. It was boring at times and inspiring at others. I should be able to email at Tuesdays but you will probably get that first. It is a tad unorganized here, aqui, but i like it. I love you all,
Elder Malmrose
Still getting used to that...Oh. I should be getting another conpanion here tomorrow or wed.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun group! It's great to see you writing in Portuguese too.

    We sent you a letter and a post card but it takes a lot longer than a week to get from NZ to Brazil... Tell us if you ever get them!

    We love you. Keep being awesome.
