Monday, April 16, 2012

The begining

To all those who will be reading this, Thank you. I'm about to get set apart for my mission in three hours and twenty minutes and I'm looking forward to it. I'll try to send as many updates to this as I can and whenever I can. Atleast once a week I hope. Tomorrow I get on the plane at noon and leave for the Sao Paulo MTC in Brazil. After that I head up to my mission in Maceio, Brazil. If you would rather I reply straight to you please send me letters

Elder Vincent Earl Malmrose
Brazil Maceio Mission
Av. Dom Antonio Brandao, 333 Sala 402
Ed. Work Center, Farol
57021-190 Maceio - AL

Or better yet send me some chocolate filled packages here,

Elder Vincent Earl Malmrose
Brazil Maceio Mission
Av. Dom Antonio Brandao, 333 Sala 402
Ed. Work Center, Farol
57021-190 Maceio - AL
Phone, 55 82-3336-5558

Thanks again for taking the time to read this.

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