Thursday, August 16, 2012

Letter from Elder Awesome

Oops. Guess I haven’t written in a while. Sorry.

We have a few investigators I hope and think will get baptized. The first is Silvana. She is a 53-year-old woman who just moved here. We got her to go to church, and I think she enjoyed it. We had Luciete (pronounced Lu-sea-eteh) go to church. He daughter is already a member as well and she enjoyed it. We just need to work on helping her get separated from the man she is living with. The man is a great guy when he isn’t drunk. I really am getting to see how drinking can be a risky thing to do and how it hurts families. We don’t have any other strong investigators yet. We have been doing a lot of contacts and trying to find more people.

We had a Zone Conference. That is basically a day-long meeting. We hear talks and testimonies for 3 to 4 hours, have lunch, do some practices for 3 hours, then hear another 1 to 2 hours of talks and testimonies. I am realizing my Portuguese is coming along well. My accent isn’t that thick, even if I’m still having trouble with some of the grammar. Overall I enjoyed it - especially when I got to pick up my letters and packages.

It is the political season here so there are plenty of cars driving around with giant speakers spouting propaganda for one or another candidate.

Me and Elder Becker are also starting to teach Seminary. The Seminary teacher went through a rough experience and then moved, so we have stepped in to substitute. We also had a change of leadership in the Young Men’s and Young Women’s presidencies. I personally think that is for the better. We also have 3 new elders in our District. A new zone leader, and another companionship. The new companionship is also training. Overall, not that much changes but at least we are working hard. I hope all is well in the States.

I love receiving letters. All letters should be sent to the mission home where I pick them up at Zone Conference. The address is:

Elder Vincent Earl Malmrose
Brazil Maceió Mission
Av. Dom Antonio Brandão, 333 Sala 402
Ed. Work Center, Farol
57021-190 Maceió - AL

Elder Malmrose

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