Thursday, May 31, 2012

Same thing each day.  Only 2 more weeks till I’m out in the field.  That is going to be interesting.  Our fake investigator dropped us, and one sub we had was a legit midget.  Oh, we did get three new Elders in our district.  Elder Hansen has been really quiet.  He seems like a great guy, but as I said, I haven’t really had the time to get to know him.  Elder Collett is a great guy, but a tad weird.  He likes working with computers, writing poetry, and karate.  He is also huge, not fat though.  He is really tall and big.  He is really enthusiastic about everything.  Elder Lewis stole Elder Boss as my companion.  He is also from Spanish Fork, Utah, the same place as Elder Mackey.  He enjoys, Elder Lewis, that is, telling stories.  He is a good guy.
Anyways, if any of you have questions e-mail me at  I don’t get to check e-mail often in the CTM, but I’ll respond when I can.  No idea about the field though.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

It’s the same schedule every day, but it’s not that bad.  I only have ‘till June 18 or 19 in the MTC.  We are getting 3 new dudes in our district, so that is going to be fun.  Yea.  I hope they are not annoying.
As for the “investigators” I am teaching.  We got William baptized on Monday.  That actually was pretty fun, but it is the least fluent baptism I will ever have.  Our teacher, Alkmim, came up with a new persona, Pedro.  Pedro is a 40 year old guy who can’t read well and offered to marry his daughter to us the first visit.  We are going to have fun with this investigator.  Lydia, we were able to teach her.  Nothing new with her, we were just following up.  We also had two workshops this week.  One we pretended to pass out Books of Mormon on a subway.  Elder Passey said he was Rick Astley, so there were certainly funny parts.  The second was a repeat of an old one.  We taught 15 at a time to one investigator.  Although this time someone opened or started one with “I heard your wife died a year ago.  Would you like to tell us how you feel about that?”  Some groups were good, others were not.
Other than that we figured how to bypass their internet security here, and also how to boot their server.  I’m expecting to get even worse at English over the years, but bear with me.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


The other weeks have been somewhat fun and exciting, but this week has had the most extremes. On Saturday and Sunday we fasted. that means i didn't eat anything for dinner on Saturday and no breakfast on Sunday. We had our share of boring meetings, and watched some boring spiritual movies Two really exciting things happened. First, our class got into a huge argument with Irmaos Alkmim, our first teacher. I think the language. The second is that Irmas Menezas (Our other teacher) had a stroke the next day. We saw her at lunch on this Monday, but we had substitutes since Wednesday. I know Brazil can be dangerous but i didn't think anything would happen this quickly, Irmas Menezas is doing well, I think. Other then that it has been a typical week. We learned a little Portuguese, a little on how to teach, then we teach. Oh, i can't remember if i mentioned this last time but our district/class got a new Elder. He is kinda nice, and a bit more of a ladies man. Which is ironic, because he looks like a stereotypical nerd when he puts on his glasses. Best part is his name is Elder Boss. The rest of my district is pretty cool and nice. Some are a little odd, and I don't know if we would be friends outside of the mission, but, we have some fun times. Still strange to think I've been our here for three weeks.

Monday, May 7, 2012

[I think this entry is from sometime in April or May]
   Its starting to settle down. Its generally the same thing every day. On saturday, we went to TRC. That means me, Elder Deal, and Elder Boss went and taught an amazing lesson in Portuguse. Well, actually we couldn't understand them so we just kept ploughing ahead and asking them to read stuff. Oh, we also preped the wrong lesson so we totally bombed it, but it was still fun.
   Some add stuff about my companions. Elder Deal doesn't belive we landed on the moon, and Elder Passy likes to read as well. most of the guys like to talk about cars. As for what we do each day, we wakeup early, eat, learn some Portuguese, eat, teach some Portuguese, dinner at 4:15, then free time.
  Two funny things when preping for the TRC Elder Mclaws got his teacher to review what he wrote in Portuguese. One part read "Heavenly fathers plan is to eat your sister." Also Elder Passy does a perfect "if you know what I mean" face. It is totally creepy.
   Apparently we have another 3-4 guys waiting for their Visas. Oh we also got some Brazilian roommates. The people here are crazy. Others are quite studeous, like my roommates for now. Others patol the halls and sing,"I hate you. I'm kidding , I love you." Each night. Anyways thanks for the emails/letters and comments. Talk to you later.